10 Things I Learnt about the absolute power of the WORD…

What distinguishes Human Beings from all other species, is that we can talk.

We can form words. We can express something different from what we necessarily feel.

We can intend. We can create. And that is a power. A power to manifest anything we want.

And when this truth got uncovered for me, everything changed..

“The word is a force; it is the power you have, to express and communicate, to think, and thereby to create the events in your life”

– Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements (1997)

THIS, is what I learnt..

1. Words build character.

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines Character as –


“moral excellence”

Your words define who you are. People relate to you through your word. Keeping your word. What you do. When you said you would do it. In the manner it was to be done. And what you do not do.

A collection of actions driven by your word, create your character.

2. Words build confidence.

Your word not only means what you say. It also means what you know to do. Whether you say it out loud. Or don’t.

When you act on something you know to do, it shows.

And when you don’t, it takes something away.

3. Words can cast a spell.

A spell is a deep belief. A belief planted in you. A belief based on agreements. Agreements created by repetition. Repetition of disempowering opinions. Opinions that you add emotion to and internalise. Creating a disillusioned existence.

These internal agreements can change. Look at them straight. For what they are. And what they are not. Replace them with a truth. The truth WILL set you free.

Some people will still disagree..

“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true.”

– Homer Simpson

Learn how to use your words. Create dreams. Create Love. Magic. Magic is just spell. Turned on its head.

4. Words define reality.

There is nothing universally real or unreal. Your own authenticity creates your reality.

Lies create multiple realities. Lies create conflicting messages. The chaos of a thousand voices.

Be fearless. Be straight. Some people will not like you for it. Including your family. And close friends.

Only in the short term. But eventually, the world will align to your own reality. A reality that you define. By being authentic, in toto.

Maybe LIFE – is just a DREAM. Maybe there is NOTHING real. And maybe you only need to participate in that Dream. Fully.

read-on a beach

5. Silence is a word.

We use words to express. Our feelings. Opinions. Emotions. But sometimes, silence is the most powerful way to express.

Stand with someone new. Alone. Keep quiet. Say nothing. For a few moments. The communication will be something you never experienced before.

Silence is a powerful communicator.

“Silence is the language of God. All else is poor translation.”

– Rumi

6. Words are always right.

Our most impactful thoughts are seldom our own. They have been given. Planted. They were just simple words. Repeated enough. In time, they become your own. Words, inherently, are always right.

But you decide which words are right FOR YOU. For, you can choose.

Choose only those words that empower you. To create thoughts that serve your truth.

7. NO is an acceptable word.

You know when you will do something. And when you will not. Or can’t. Be honest.

At first, you may get reactions. We are a maybe society. We like grey more than black. We are hopeful. Grey is characterless. It is indifferent.

Be unconstrained. Say yes only to things you know you will do. For everything else, say NO.

Be reasonable. Be clear. The world will be more colorful.

8. Words create War. And Peace.

“Words start wars and end them, create love and choke it, bring us to laughter and joy and tears. Words cause men and women to willingly risk their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. Our world, as we know it, revolves on the power of words.”

– Roy H. Williams

There is colossal and unrelenting energy in words. Words start wars.

“I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.”

– Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

“War alone can carry to the maximum tension all human energies and imprint with the seal of nobility those people who have the courage to confront it..”

– Benito Mussolini (1930)

And words start revolutions. They create freedom. They bring hope.

“I have a Dream.”

– Martin Luther King, Jr (August, 1963)

9. The less said, the better.

Choose carefully. You don’t need to say everything you know. Or feel.

20 percent words make 80 percent of the impact. And if you break that down, you get the 50/1 rule. 80 percent of 80 is 64. And 80 percent of 64 is ~50.

Say the 1 thing that will make half the impact. Nothing more.

10. Words, not time, is the healer.

With the right words, you can undo anything. In seconds. You just need to know what to say. And how.

Stand in front of the mirror. Say “I love you” to yourself. Mean it. Whatever happened, its okay. You are now, where you need to be.

Sometimes communication is more powerful in the absence of words. Hug. In complete silence. For no reason. You will feel the other, melting in your arms. You will become one.

Spread the love. I promise you, you WILL become ALL powerful.

You WILL change the world.

Photos courtesy pixabay.com