10 Quick Tips to be Happy

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”


Sitting at her desk, Gretchen Rubin, had an epiphany. “I don’t want a crisis to remake my life,” she thought. She spent the next 12 months learning to be Happy.

These are the “10 QUICK TIPS” from her book, The Happiness Project

1. Good over Perfect

Perfections takes too long. Its usually never.

Perfection isn’t expected. The customer will not pay for perfect. In the knowledge economy, time is most valuable.

Relax. Good is good enough.

2. The six second hug

Huggers are happier people. They feel more connected. It is an act of giving like no other. Of love. Of care.

Six seconds is the minimum time required to promote the flow of oxytocin and serotonin. They promote bonding. Oxytocin is called the ‘love hormone’. These chemicals are known to permanently alter nerve pathways. And control moods. Express affection.

Say I love you, more. Greet with a hug.

3. Write

Write everyday. Maybe for 30 minutes. We’re all writers. Thinkers.

Writing helps in organizing thoughts. It helps to clear out the old. And make way for the new. It helps to reflect and evaluate.

Writing develops ideas. You will have the urge to execute on some of them. And solve problems.

Maybe you develop a new skill.

4. Toss. Organize. Fix.

Throw out everything you haven’t used in six months. Clothes. Shoes. Pens. Candles. Mats.

Create two columns on an A-3 sheet. Write a list of things in your house that are not exactly the way you want them to be. In the next column, write down how you want them to be.

Start fixing.

5. Start a collection

Collect coins. Stamps. Souvenirs from where you travel. Shot glasses.

Its fun. Its a conversation starter. They make you reminisce of a nostalgic moment.

6. One minute rule

Do not postpone anything that can be done in one minute.

Put away the socks. Keep the ice cream in the freezer. Reply to that message. Give a quick call.

It wipes out a lot of the day’s worry.

7. Sleep early

There are many studies to show different findings on sleep cycles. But one thing is common, we’re not sleeping enough.

Sleep deprivation impairs memory. Weakens the immune system. Slows metabolism. Fosters weight gain.

Chronic sleep loss can cause heart problems. High blood pressure. Strokes.

Listen your body. Try to sleep when you feel tired.

Learn to get up without an alarm.

8. Be Silly

Be non-serious. Be frivolous. Act foolish. Buy something stupid.

Wear bright make-up. Put on bright socks. Laugh loud. Do the dares. Paint your face. Walk a silly walk.

Stop taking yourself this seriously. Just this once.


“If people never did silly things. Nothing intelligent would ever get done.”

– Ludwig Wittgenstein

9. Give up

Give up nagging. Give up lazing. Give up coffee. Give up packaged food.

Give up something you’ve always been wanting to. For yourself. For someone else.

For a week. Or a month. Or even a day.

10. Be Grateful

Keep a gratitude journal. Write down 3 things you are grateful for today.

Consider people you are grateful for. Your house. The food on the table. About a situation. Your abilities.

Remind yourself of all that has worked. And that works. There is a lot to be happy about.

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”

– Eckhart Tolle